You must have experienced this before. You tend to see a lot of something of passing interest but when you are actually looking for it, you would have difficulty finding it. So this was the case of getting material for this post. i.e. the overview of the Forex Trading Courses locally. I remember seeing plenty of advertisements in the papers for such courses almost daily but when I was actively looking out for them in the last two weeks, I saw very few. (Actually there is a logical explanation to it, it's the end of the year and all the Forex Courses organisers are probably on holiday, doing their year's review or preparing for the challenges in the year ahead and so are many of the potential clients, so no workshop previews and no advertisements.) Thus I have to dig up my old newspapers and also largely rely on my memory.Forex Trading has become very popular over the last year or so and there are more than 10 different companies running Forex Trading Courses or Workshops at one time or another. Some have come and gone and some are still advertising regularly in the newspapers. Here are a few prominent ones, not in any particular order. (What I post here is purely my own experience and my personal opinion of the previews that I attended. It would be good if readers can share their own experience by giving their comments on the previews or better still, the actual courses or workshops. As most of the previews I went were many, many months ago, my comments may not reflect the latest status, especially on the fees of the courses.)1. Rapid FX - this is probably the most active currently since they run preview seminars every week. The preview I attended was primarily done by a lawyer (and student of Rapid FX) so it was very convincing that trading Forex is the way to go. Most memorable part was his argument that Forex Trading is absolutely risk-free since you already know the maximum that you can lose (in terms of the stop-loss level) while risk is something that you do not know. Well, leave it to the lawyers! The fees is about RM6000 for 2 (?) days and the broker used is FXCM.2. Lily Thniah (Ringgit Fleet) - This is quite active and advertisements appears regularly. From the preview, the course appears OK. Selling point seems to be the weekly coaching for 16 weeks (which is one day each week). The fees is about RM5000 for 3 days.
3. Kishore M (PowerUp Capital) - Kishore is a very good speaker and a good salesman. It seems that he can sell you anything as previously he was teaching options. The preview makes Forex Trading appears as a guaranteed winner and thus loses some credibility (as least to me.) The fees is about RM6000 for 3 days.
4. Forex Investology (Trainer Sam Se) - This is one of the few previews where they talk about losses in addition to wins and it gives a more realistic view of Forex Trading. In addition to directional trading, this teaches hedging as the other main Forex trading strategy. Provides a live Trading Calculator to assist newbies to work out their trade. The fees are about RM2400 for 3 days. This is the course that I signed up for after attending the preview. The broker used is Interbank FX.
5. Infinite FX (Trainer Jasmine Khern) - The preview seems sincere enough and a trading system, Tornado, is mentioned but no much detail is given about it. Can also trade with your provided funds. The fees is about RM3400 for 2 (?) days.
6. Clinicaltrader (Trainer Fuad Ahmad) - Ladies will like his previews, since Fuad is tall, fair and handsome and speaks well too. He talks of watching three signals to confirm before you trade and runs a in-house trading office. Sounds like he is also recruiting traders for his trading room. Do not see his advertisement nowadays. The fees are about RM5000 for 2 (?) days.
7. FX1 Academy - The speaker in the preview doesn't seem to be a professional trader since she attributes the sound of the trading platform disconnection to that of a winning trade. This sounds very exciting to those new to trading (like a cash register ringing) but for these familiar with the trading platform, it loses all credibility. They also have an automated trading system that trades only on USDJPY and they offer a 110% money back guarantee but I was told that you have to really read the fine prints on the terms and conditions. The fees are RM7000 for 3 days.
8. Winning Forex Solutions (Mr.M) - This sounds and appears to be the most unprofessional among all the previews I attended (in my opinion). Mr. M will trade with you at Starbucks and the platform used (involving a Virtual Private Network???) appears gimmicky. This apparently has now disappeared from the scene. The fees are about RM3200 for 2 days.
The above are those that I have attended the free previews and below are those that I've seen being advertised but I have not attended the previews so I have no further comments on them.
9. Wealth Academy Forex (Adam Khoo's Group) - Singaporean trainer. The fees about RM5000 for 2 days course plus 3 days follow-up sessions.
10. Dynamite Forex (Run by T3B, Trainer Clarence Chee) A newcomer to the local scene and another course conducted by a Singaporean trader. Do not have information on the fees and structure, should normally be around RM5000 for 2-3 days.
There are other courses not specifically on Forex but for trading in general which can also apply to Forex Trading. These include-
10. F1 Trader (PI Capital). Training is by Fred Tam. Fred is the Guru of Technical Analysis but now I only see the ads on his course for Financial Technical Analysis in conjunction with Open University Malaysia. No details on the fees for the F1 Trader.
11. Wealth Academy Trader (Adam Khoo's Group). Training by Conrad Lim, another Singaporean trader. The fees are about RM5000 for 5 days of tutorials. Conrad also conduct a course just on Japanese Candlesticks.
Since I am at it, here are some Options Trading Courses for comparison.
1. Wealth Mentors (Trainer Miriam MacWilliams) - The fees are about RM10,000 for 5 days. Just wonder how many would pay this kind of money. The high cost is probably due to the fact that Miriam is from the US.
2. Freely Options (Trainer Dr.Clement Chiang) - A very motivational speaker. From the preview, the strategy seems to emphasize on gapping and it has very high rewards since it also has very high risk. Not for the faint-hearted. The fees is about RM7800 for 2 days and 1 night (to trade the US stock market.)
3. Teraoptions (Trainer David Yuen) - seems like a straight forward trainer and a straight forward course. The fees is about RM4500 for 3 days.
So you see, there are plenty of choices and it can be bewildering to pick any particular course to attend. (Of course, if you have the money, you can choose more then one and then know which one is better.) The best is to attend the free previews that all of them provide and judge for yourself which is right for you, if you have the time.
It would be good if readers who have attended any of the previews or actual courses to give their views in the comments section as this will assist (or maybe confuse!) all potential Forex Course customers in making their choices.
In my next post, I'll give my views of what to look for in selecting a course and explain how I made my choice and my experience with Forex Investology.
Ronald Kwok